Episode 109 is here! This week, as we learn more about the Halliwell family, we also learn more about Kat and Kendra. What stories will you learn? What fights will you hear? I can't tell you! You have to listen and find out! What I can say is that you'll be entertained, just like every week! So, enjoy this episode and don't forget to tell us what you think!
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What is Matthew holding? Kat says it's a pink rose petal. Kendra says it's a pink piece of paper.
This was the poll we put up on Twitter. As you can see, "pink rose petal" was the winning answer. Therefore, more people agreed with Kat!
Random cafe under Buckland that wasn't there before, and is never there again...
This is the exterior shot we get of Buckland, even though it looks nothing like any other shot of Buckland we have ever seen before.
Halliwell Hardware dead guy reminded Kat of that guy, Al Borland, from Home Improvement.
This is the guy, Al Borland, from Home Improvement that the dead guy reminded Kat of.
These are the pictures that Rex shows Matthew. The ones of Phoebe and Piper will be seen again in a future episode.
This is the side view of the house that makes it look a little more realistic that the attic might fit, but we all know it doesn't.