Episode 422! Season Finale! So Excited!
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Gwen Stewart - - - Miss Cleo - - - Leslie Grossman
Acupuncture - - - Construction - - - Jackhammer
Dakin Matthews - - - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Michelangelo - - - Albert Einstein - - - Britney Spears
Lucifer - - - Pig Latin - - - Bruce Campbell
Gets Me Through wiki - - - Gets Me Through video
Lemonade - - - Samantha Shelton
Charlie’s Angels - - - franchise info - - - 2000 film
2003 sequel - - - 2019 film - - - Michael Chaturantabut
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers - - - Masochism
What was your favourite episode(s) of the season?
Did you have a least favourite episode of the season?
What was your first reaction and opinion of Paige, and did it change over the course of the season?
Who was your favourite Charmed One this season?
Do you have a favourite villain?
What was your favourite moment(s) of the season?