We are back with Season 2! Just like last season, we tangent about random things and you'll learn new things! Oh, and there's spoilers for the movie Jupiter Ascending... In case you care about such things... I also apologize if you can hear a dog howling in the background. I did my best to edit it out, but sometimes there's nothing that can be done...
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Dishwalla - - - Wired Article
International Horseradish Festival
Kidsongs - - - Brooks Catsup Bottle - - - From The Dark movie
Floor plan for the first floor of the Halliwell Manor. Parlor = Living room
Solarium = Wicker Room/Conservatory
Top left, unlabeled room, next to Nook = Laundry room
Someone made the Halliwell Manor in something like The Sims, and it is amazing!